Gabert Clinic Makes Changes Due to Decrease in Viral Patients

Glendive Medical Center (GMC) moved several patient care areas in early December in an effort to safely triage patients showing viral symptoms from patients who were well. Due to the decline in viral patients in recent weeks, Orthopedic and General Surgery patients will now be able to return to their original waiting room and exam space in Gabert Clinic. This change takes effect on Thursday, January 28th.

Patients, who are presenting with viral symptoms or suspect they have COVID-19, will need to be seen in Urgent Care by calling (406) 345-8811. If an individual has severe symptoms, they will need to call 911 or the ER at (406) 345-3314 prior to coming in.

For more information on patient care, call Gabert Clinic at (406) 345-8901 or visit