Junior Volunteers

Glendive Medical Center Actively encourages volunteerism of local students. If you are between the ages of 11-18 and would like to contribute your time as a Junior Volunteer we welcome you.

A simple application and two references need to be completed first. Then, we will schedule a time to discuss your interests, availability and to arrange a short orientation. GMC provides your T-shirt and name badge, you provide your enthusiasm and positive attitude.

Junior Application Download

(Two References Required - Forms attached to application)


  • Activities at the Heritage
  • Activites at Extended Care
  • The Attic -Resale Shop

Please join us!

To set up an appointment for your volunteer interview please contact:
Patti DeFord, Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 406-345-3304
Email: pdeford@gmc.org
Thank you for your interest - we look forward to seeing you.