Simple Fractures/Broken Bones
Level III Office Visit $200.00/Simple Reduction (If Applicable) $60.00 - Simple fractures of the bone typically do not appear out of place and often occur due to a minor injury, including a twisting of an arm, leg, ankle, wrist, elbow, finger, or toe. They may also occur from falling, jumping, or landing on the area or when an object falls on the area. Common symptoms include swelling, pain, and pressure that stops normal activity and movement. The pain can be a sharp or dull pain which sometimes shoots up or down from the injured area.
Animal Bites (Simple/Confirmed Non-Rabid)
Level I Office Visit $100.00/TDap (If Applicable) $72.00 - Often simple bites are from a cat, dog, domestic ranch animal or common pet. Common symptoms may include pain, tight muscles, pain/pressure that stops normal activity or movement. The pain can be a sharp or dull pain which sometimes shoots up or down from the injured area.
Back Aches/Strains (Sudden and New)
Level II Office Visit $155.00 - Common symptoms of back aches and strains include swelling, tight muscles, bruises, pain, or pressure that stops normal activity and movement. The pain can be a sharp or dull pain which sometimes shoots up or down from the injured area. Common causes may include twisting (spraining) an arm, leg, ankle, wrist, elbow, finger, or toe and can include a muscle that was pulled, injured, or overworked. * Chronic Back conditions will not be seen in Urgent Care.
Bruises/Cuts/Scrapes or Simple Puncture/Fish Hook Injuries
Level I Office Visit $100.00/Level II Office Visit (Includes Procedure) $155.00/TDap (If Applicable) $72.00 - We are able to attend to simple laceration, bruises, cuts, scrapes, or simple puncture wounds that may include bleeding, swelling, and pain. Sometimes foreign objects may become stuck in the skin such as gravel, dirt, glass, metal, or wood. At times, these types of wounds may require a tetanus booster vaccine, sterile-strips, skin glue or removal of foreign objects.
Burns (Minor) or Sunburns
Level I Office Visit $100.00 - Common symptoms of minor burns or sunburns may include redness, itching, tenderness and pain, blisters, aching, peeling or dry skin. Minor burns are usually in a small area and are a superficial surface of the skin.
Fingernail/Toenail Injury/Problems
Level I Office Visit $100.00/Level II Office Visit (Includes Procedure) $155.00 + TDap (If Applicable) $72.00 - Fingernail or toenail injuries may include bleeding, swelling, pain, and sometimes foreign objects may become stuck in the nail. Sometimes this may require a tetanus booster vaccine, skin glue or removal of foreign objects. Often these types of injuries are a result of a minor injury to the fingernail/toenail which causes an opening or a collection of blood under the nail, a puncture with a foreign object such as a hook, nail, staple, or glass.
Insect Bites/Bee Stings
Level I Office Visit $100.00 - Common symptoms of insect bites and bee stings may include itching, redness, swelling, hives, irritation or pain, open/blistered sore and sometimes draining pus. Stingers may also become stuck in the skin.
Sprains (Sudden and New)
Level III Office Visit $200.00 - Sprain symptoms may include swelling, tight muscles, bruises, and pain/pressure that stops normal activity and movement. The pain can be a sharp or dull pain which sometimes shoots up or down from the injured area. Common causes may include twisting (spraining) an arm, leg, ankle, wrist, elbow, finger, or toe. It can also occur from a muscle that was pulled, injured, or overworked.
Tick Removal
Level I Office Visit $100.00 - Removal of a tick is a simple procedure and can be assessed for complications. Ticks are common in the spring/summer/early fall seasons and sometimes bite or become embedded in the skin.