

  • Laceration/Wound Repair (Minor)

    Level III Office Visit $200.00 - A minor laceration requires stitches or staples to repair the skin including super facial closure of the skin.

  • Splinter/Sliver Removal

    Level I Office Visit $100.00 Level II Office Visit (Includes Procedure) $155.00 + TDap (If Applicable) $72.00 - Common symptoms of a splinter or sliver may include bleeding, redness, swelling, itching, pain or infection. Sometimes additional treatment is needed and this may require a tetanus booster vaccine or skin glue. Splinter or slivers are often the result of a foreign object that punctures the skin and becomes stuck. Foreign objects can include: A piece of glass, metal, wood, tack, nail, and sometimes dirt or gravel.

  • Wart/Skin Tag (Max of Three)

    Level II Office Visit $155.00 - Removal of a benign appearing common skin lesion, sore, tag, growth, or wart may be done with liquid nitrogen (freezing) or clipped/cut or when causing irritation, redness, itching, “snagging or catching” on clothing.

  • Dressing Changes

    Level I Office Visit $100.00 - Simple to moderate complexity of dressing changes may be done under specific situations. It is recommended you see your primary care provider for ongoing wound care needs.

  • Suture Removal

    Level I Office Visit $100.00 - Removal of uncomplicated sutures with no signs of infection. Patient must provide documentation or an order of when sutures are supposed to be removed.

  • Additional Procedures

    $70.00/procedure - Additional procedure charges outside of outlined menu items may be add to the overall cost of the Urgent Care visit depending on care provided. Additional procedures may include: Simple Reduction (i.e. Finger, toe), Simple Incision and Drainage, Nasal, Packing, Pelvic Exam, etc.